All Shall Tremble Before the Might of Captain Khaos!

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Wilmington, Delaware, United States
From the twisted cranium of our creator, we've risen to claim our rightful place as the Overlords of the Universe! See our zany antics as time and again, we quest for the ultimate goal...WORLD DOMINATION!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

episode_1: Vive Le World Domination!


The much awaited webcomic debut! While my crew and I are working on our hush hush secret title, I thought I'd put something together with the hopes of building up a little fanbase...

Lemme know what you guys think...


Rudy aka  The Virulent_Messiah


Rude Velez said...

Hey ppl! leave a comment already!

Unknown said...

what is dis series about?